Two-Dimensional Figure
Initial Definition

A two-dimensional figure is a figure that has length and width but no depth.

In mathematics, figures (mathematical models) are derived from objects in the real world that have common geometric attributes.

Example One

A circle is one example of a two-dimensional figure.

http://www.clipart.com_Filename(DIAMOND RING):9815714.jpg.jpeg_Filename(HULA HOOP):28711539.jpg.jpeg

Example Two

A disk is another example of a two-dimensional figure.

http://www.clipart.com_Filename(PICTURE FRAME):22906148.jpg.jpeg_Filename(CONCRETE BLOCK):23666223.jpg.jpeg

Example Three

A rectangle is another example of a two-dimensional figure.

http://www.clipart.com_Filename(DIAMOND RING):9815714.jpg.jpeg_Filename(HULA HOOP):28711539.jpg.jpeg

Example Four

A rectangular region is another example of a two-dimensional figure.

http://www.clipart.com_Filename(RUG):22710831.jpg.jpeg_Filename(EXIT SIGN):10048175.jpg.jpeg